TMCM-1260 Hardware Manual • Hardware Version V1.10 | Document Revision V1.20 • 2018-05-17
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6 Reset to Factory Defaults
It is possible to reset all settings in firmware for the TMCM-1260 to factory defaults without establishing
a working communication connection. This might be helpful in case communication parameters of the
preferred interface have been set to unknown values or got lost.
For this procedure two pads on the bottom side of the module have to be shorted (electrically connected
with each other) during power-on.
Please perform the following steps:
1. Switch power supply OFF (and disconnect USB cable if applicable)
2. Short CLK and DIO pads of programming pads on bottom of pcb (see figure
3. Switch power supply ON again (or connect USB again if applicable)
4. Wait until the on-board red and green LEDs start flashing fast (this might take a while)
5. Switch power supply OFF again (and disconnect USB cable if applicable)
6. Remove short between pads
7. After switching power supply ON again (and / or connecting USB cable) all permanent settings have
been restored to factroy defaults
Short these two pads
Figure 4: Reset to factory default settings
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