TMC262-EVAL MANUAL (V. 1.0 / 2011-Sep-07)
Copyright © 2010 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG
6 Getting started
Connect a stepper motor to the board, connect the PC via RS232 or USB and use a laboratory power
supply to power the board with for example 24V.
Now, copy the software to your PC and install USB driver, if necessary.
6.1 First steps
Start the evaluation kit software.
Connecting to the board
Select the appropriate port and select Interface / Open. For USB connection, the board uses a virtual
COM port. You need to select the .inf file from the installation directory to set it up.
Current setting
As a first step, you should set the appropriate current setting for your motor: Go to the tab SGCSConf
and select the correct value for the sense resistor, to see the actual current setting. The current scale
can be selected from 7 (default) to 31. You get the best motor performance with a high value between
16 and 31. If your calculation shows, that you need a value below 16, please go to the tab DRVCONF
and select VREF=1/36 instead of 1/18. If you cannot reach the desired motor current, please change
the sense resistor to a lower value. Please refer chapter 3.2 for sense resistor selection.
Please be careful to not select a too high current value, as a too high current setting could destroy the
motor by overheating.
figure 3: Evaluation software: Current setting
Now, please check the DRVSTATUS tab. The indicators should give a reading and show stable
Starting the motor
To move the motor using the internal step and direction source, select acceleration and velocity
(signed) setting and press the Run button. Press the get button in any of the tabs, to read out actual
settings. In case you want faster motion, stop the motor, go to the tab DRVCTRL and reduce
microstep resolution. Best performance is achieved in 256 times microstepping, or in 16 times
microstepping with step interpolation active (please check INTPOL).