TMC262-EVAL MANUAL (V. 1.0 / 2011-Sep-07)
Copyright © 2010 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG
Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG
Hamburg, GERMANY
1 Features
The TMC262 evaluation board features a TMC262 with external power MOSFETs plus a
microcontroller, which allows interfacing to a PC for visualization and control of all parameters. The
motor can be operated via the step and direction interface both, using an external source, and using
the integrated microcontroller as a step generator.
Evaluate all features of the TMC262
Use stallGuard2™ with your motor
Use coolStep™ with your motor
Control all parameters from a PC using special software or TMCL-PC
Motor current can be set to up to 1A, 2A or up to 4A (soldering jumper) via on-board sense
Supply voltage up to 40V (MOSFETs can be exchanged against 60V 2A types)
Access all pins of the TMC262
Motor type
2 phase Stepper
–EVAL manual
Evaluation board for the TMC262 stepper motor
driver IC with coolStep