TRICOR Systems Inc.
Running A Chocolate Sample (Cont'd)
CTU=-8.5 Slope= 3.57
The alternate choice for displayed results is with two inflection points and the
slope at the intercept point.
S= 3.5 T1= 63.7 T2= 61.5
The chocolate sample may not have a temper. In this case there is no inflection
measured in the temperature profile. The Model 225 does not show a numeric
value but instead a simple message.
No Inflection
While the unit is waiting for the sample to be removed, the power LED on the
front panel flashes to alert the user that the testing is complete. Remove the
chocolate sample as soon as the test is complete. If the sample remains for a
very long time, it gets hard and sticks to the temperature probe. It is much
easier to remove while still warm.
Slide the ejector knob completely to the right. This will catch the sample cup
under the lip. Pull the door up. The door will lift the sample cup out of the well. If
the chocolate sample should stick in the well twist the sample while pulling
upward. Use extreme caution to avoid breaking the temperature probe.
Clean any excess chocolate that remains in the well using the well cleaning tool
only attached to the Model 225. Scrape well walls and blow out excess. Don't
use sharp instruments such as screwdrivers and knives. These instruments may
cause damage that will result in a costly repair.