Rev. 01 - 2014 - E
Basically, the drop-down list gives you at choice be-
tween using a barker channel or using all outputs for
transmitting EIT informationl.
By using a barker channel all EIT information, i.e. actual
present/following and actual schedule EIT for all ser-
vices, will be transferred from the individual outputs to
the barker channel thereby making more room/ payload
available to the transmission of services.
If you use a barker channel to carry the EIT
information you have to make sure that the
set-top boxes used by end-users are NorDig
compliant, i.e. they can read a Linkage De-
scriptor from a NIT.
To use a barker channel for transmitting all EIT informa-
tion, select “Barker channel” in the EIT drop-down list.
Below the EIT drop-down list, select the channel you
want to use as barker channel in the drop-down list.
TDX Service Tool
891076E_492055_492056_TDX_QAM_module - User Guide - EN.indd 27
17-01-2014 11:25:53