Due to continuous improvement, Triatek reserves the right to change product specifications without notice.
This form should be completed during the initial configuration for each room pressure controller.
Room Name / Number
Unit Model Number and Serial Number (ESN)
Analog Input
Normal Operating Pressure (reading with door closed)
Positive Isolation Setpoint
Negative Isolation Setpoint
Neutral Isolation Setpoint
Pressure Deadband
Analog Output
Analog Output Range (zero-based or offset)
Analog Output Upper Limit (0 – 100%)
Analog Output Lower Limit (0 – 100%)
Analog Output Action (Direct or Reverse)
PID Constants
Proportional Constant (0.5 – 100.0 %)
Integral Constant (0.0 – 100.0 %)
Derivative Constant (0.0 – 100.0 %)
Alarm Limits
Positive Isolation High Alarm Setpoint
Positive Isolation High Warning Setpoint
Positive Isolation Low Warning Setpoint
Positive Isolation Low Alarm Setpoint
Negative Isolation High Alarm Setpoint
Negative Isolation High Warning Setpoint
Negative Isolation Low Warning Setpoint
Negative Isolation Low Alarm Setpoint