Replacement Kit
The combustion testing and adjustments
must be performed by a qualified installer,
service agency or the gas supplier. All com-
bustion measurements must be perform with
calibrated equipment to ensure proper read-
ings and accuracy.
Failure to perform a complete combustion
test at both high and low input rates may
result in incomplete combustion and the pro-
duction of carbon monoxide, which can
cause severe personal injury, death or sub-
stantial property damage.
MCBA Instructions
1. Manually place the boiler into High fire mode
by pressing the MODE button with “+” button
simultaneously on the control panel display
while in the standby (STBY) mode.
The control panel will display a H followed
by the current boiler temperature when
placed into high fire test mode.
2. If the combustion levels during High fire are
outside the recommended combustion settings
adjust the THROTTLE SCREW (see Fig. 4) as
Counter-clockwise adjustment of the THROT-
TLE SCREW at high fire:
O2 decreases and C02 increases
Clockwise adjustment of the THROTTLE
SCREW at high fire:
O2 increases and CO2 decreases
3. Once the combustion level is set at High fire,
manually place the boiler into Low fire mode by
pressing the MODE button with “-” button
simultaneously on the control display while in
the standby (STBY) mode.
The control panel will display a L followed
by the current boiler temperature when
placed into low fire test mode.
4. If the combustion level at Low fire is not with-
in +/- 0.2% of the combustion level measured at
High fire, remove the offset cover screw and
adjust the plastic
using a T-
40 Torx wrench (see Fig. 4) as follows:
Counter-clockwise adjustment of OFFSET
SCREW at low fire:
O2 increases and CO2 decreases
Clockwise adjustment of OFFSET SCREW at
low fire:
O2 decreases and CO2 increases
5. Press the “+” and “-” buttons simultaneously to
shutdown the burner.
Offset Pressure
Cover Screw
Fig. 4: Combustion Adjustment - Prestige Burner