92-0631 : Orig. 960119
The actual machining operation will begin when the first Tool Bit contacts the
If the pipe end is not square to the pipe axis, the Tool Bit will contact only a small
segment of the pipe during each revolution.
To avoid Tool Bit damage, the feed rate should be very slow until the Tool Bit(s) is in
contact with the pipe continually during at least one full revolution.
Continue rotating the Feed Handle clockwise until the end of the pipe is completely
Discontinue feed and allow the Head to rotate 1 to 3 revolutions to improve finish of
the prep surface.
Release the Air Motor Trigger to stop the Head rotation.
Rotate the Feed Handle counterclockwise to separate the Tool Bit(s) from the pipe.
Rotate the Feed Handle counterclockwise until the Head to Saddle relationship is
the same as described in “The Clamping Saddle Nut is turned…”
Loosen the Clamping Saddle Nut on the Clamping Saddle to release the pipe or
tube from the Model 201BA.
If the next bevel is to be identical to the previous bevel, follow the sequence starting
with “The pipe or tube to be end prepped……”
Tool Bit Tightening