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Medical Inc.
Alarm Displays & Functions
Gas Displays (Area Module)
Pressure Reading Display
The LED pressure reading displays the pressure as
indicated by the transducer. Whichever of the PSI or
BAR or kPa lights is illuminated reveals the unit of
measure displayed on the LED pressure reading. The
Nitrogen gas display indicates one tenth of the actual
pressure when displayed using kPa units (i.e. 1100 kPa
is displayed as 110 and the kPa x 10 LED is
High / Normal / Low Status Lights
In addition to digitally displaying the pressure of a
gas, the pressure is displayed by a series of green,
yellow & red LEDs reflecting the pressure as either
normal, high or low. These indications are relative to
the high and low pressure set points which have been
programmed into the alarm. These high and low set
points should be set in accordance with NFPA 99 and
CSA Z305.1 at
20% of the normal operating
As the pressure climbs above normal line pressure to
20% above normal line pressure, the LED’s on the
upper side of normal will illuminate, then the
uppermost normal & yellow High LED’s will
illuminate, finally the two red High LED’s will
illuminate. Simultaneously with the Red LED’s
illuminating, the audible alarm will sound.
As the pressure falls to below normal line pressure to
20% below normal line pressure, the LED’s on the
lower side of normal will illuminate, then the
lowermost normal & yellow low LED’s will
illuminate, finally the two red Low LED’s will
illuminate. Simultaneously with the Red LED’s
illuminating, the audible alarm will sound.
Units Button & PSI / BAR / Kpa LED’s
By placing the alarm in the program mode (see
Programming the Alarm page 25 ) the units button
toggles the LED pressure readings on the gas displays
between PSI (inches Hg for vacuum & evacuation
BAR / kPa LEDs. The corresponding PSI, BAR or
kPa LED is illuminate indicating which units are being
displayed on the gas display.
Vacuum & evacuation are actually displayed as
inches Hg in the PSI mode. The Nitrogen gas display
indicates one tenth of the actual pressure when
displayed using kPa units (i.e. 1100 kPa is displayed
as 110 and the kPa x 10 LED is lit. The power on
LED is illuminated whenever electrical power is
connected to the alarm.
Alarm settings are maintained even if power is
Remote Signal Status LED’s
(Master Module)
Normal Status Light (Green)
The normal green status light when illuminated
signifies that the equipment being monitored is not in
an alarm condition. A flashing green light indicates a
normal condition, but a transient (see glossary of
terms for definition) signal from source equipment has
been detected.
Abnormal Status Light (Red)
The abnormal status light when illuminated signifies
that the equipment being monitored is in an alarm
If no LED is illuminated the remote signal
status LEDs have probably been set in the unused or
off position. This can be verified by having the alarm
run a self-diagnostic check. Simply press the Test
button. As the alarm runs thru the test cycle, observe
the Status Display LED when the Remote Signal in
question is blinking. A “d” displayed on the Status
Display LED indicates that the Remote Signal has
been disabled.
Remote Signal Description Label
The remote signal description label identifies the
equipment that is being monitored on the normal and
abnormal LED’s to the left and right of the label.