System Setup
Your ISP phone number is a local call to 916-
5555 and you must dial 0 in order to get an outside line from
the office where you want to use the internet server. You
would enter 0,,9165555 in the “ISP Account -> Phone Num-
ber” variable. The two commas instruct the modem to pause
between dialing the 0 and dialing the rest of the number.
This pause is necessary if there is normally a moment or two
between dialing 0 and getting an outside dial tone.
Default Value:
Must Be User Modified?
The phone number entered in this variable is
the number the internet server will dial to establish its
internet (WAN) connection.
If the ISP phone line is busy, the internet
server will automatically redial. Three succes-
sive redial attempts will be made.
ISP Account -> User ID
Just as the internet server needs to know what phone number to
dial to access your ISP, it also needs to know what username to
login under. This variable is the username the ISP has assigned
to you or your company.
Needed for dial-up connections. The ISP assigned
user ID name exactly as provided (i.e., all letters capitalized
where necessary, underscores and other punctuation in-
cluded). The maximum length is 16 characters.
Default Value: