Position the guide bush in any corner of an
aperture, switch router on and plunge the cutter
into frame until depth, set by depth stop, is
reached. Lock the carriage of the router in this
position. Immediately start routing around the
aperture in a clockwise direction. Then remove
the waste from the centre of the aperture.
Release the carriage of the router and repeat
the procedure for the remaining apertures.
Switch off router and remove jig from frame by
pulling out bradawls with a twisting action.
Square off rounded corners of hinge recess
with a corner chisel Ref. C/CHISEL and
After use of the jig, it can be disassembled by
loosening the screws and sliding the two pieces
of the jig apart. Keep edge stops fitted. Return
jig and parts to storage/carry case.
Left hand frame
Right hand frame
Release the plunge action on the router
after each hinge, as not doing so could
result in cutting into the edge of the jig
and causing damage. If you damage
the jig, an epoxy resin can be used to
fill the gap and if rubbed smooth will
provide a continuous edge on which the
guide bush can follow.