Squeezed juices are an easy yet refreshing way to stay healthy and increase your daily intake of fruits
and vegetables.
Wash all ingredients before use.
Remove all stalks, pith, thick skins and seeds before juicing.
We recommend that you use only fresh fruits and vegetables.
Push the plunger slowly to extract the maximum amount of juice.
Do not pour liquids through the juicer.
Do not use over ripe fruits and vegetables.
Do not freeze juices for more than one month.
Leave in refrigerator for no longer than one day. After this period they may become sour.
Tomato Juice
Juice 3.lbs of fresh ripe tomatoes, serve immediately.
To spice add a few stalks of celery leaves and fresh ground pepper to taste.
Apple Juice
Juice 4 large apples with stems removed, serve immediately. Mix apple type for flavor. Add a carrot
for a sweeter taste and vitamin boost.
Island Blend
Juice 1 medium pineapple, 1 papaya, 1 large orange and 1 guava (peeled and pith removed). Add 1
mango (process in blender). Serve immediately.
Carrot Fruit Juice
Juice 4 large carrots (washed and topped and tailed) with 2 sweet washed apples (stems removed).
Serve immediately.
Pineapple Juice
Juice 4 pineapple slices, 1 medium orange and serve immediately.
Vitamin boost
Place one large apple with peel and core in the Comfortjuicer, 6 carrots, 4 celery sterns, 6 leaves of
iceberg lettuce and 20 spinach leaves and process all together. Pour the juice into glasses and serve
with ice cubes to chill.
Honey-melon-passion fruit mixture
Peel 1 middle-sized honey-melon (approx. 750g). Cut it into pieces and process in the Comfortjuicer.
Halve 6 passion fruits and spoon out the pulp. Mix the melon juice with the pulp of passion fruit. Cool
down well. Serve in a glass with ice cubes.
Cucumber drink
Halve 1 cucumber lengthwise, scrape 2 stalks of celery and peel and grate 1 cm of gingerroot. Put all
the ingredients into the Comfortjuicer in stages. Mix thoroughly until smooth.