13 : “K” OR “A” O/P (Keypad Active Output or Alarm Output)
An NPN transistor open collector output with the maximum power rating of 24VDC/100mA sink. It is equivalent to an
N.O. (Normally Open) terminal referring to ground. It can be used to drive small power device, such as a relay or a low
power control point for other equipment. This output point is selectable to give Keypad Active Output or Alarm Output
via the
Selection of the “K or A” jumper.
a) Keypad Active Output (“K”) ---
It switches to (-) ground for 10 seconds on each key touch. It can be used to
turn on light, CCTV camera, or buzzer to notify a guard. See Application Hints for more information.
b) Alarm Output (“A”) ---
It switches to (-) ground while Alarm occurs in order to trigger external alarm to give
notification at remote location.
14 : DU OUT (Duress Output)
An NPN transistor open collector output with the maximum power rating of 24VDC/100mA sink. It is equivalent to an N.O.
(Normally Open) terminal switching to (-) ground after the Duress Code is entered. Use it to trigger an alarm zone of a
security system, or turn on a buzzer to notify a guard.
15 : (-) GND (Common Ground)
A grounding point of the keypad that is common to terminal 2.
16 : DOOR SENS N.C. (Door Position Sensing Input -- Normally Close)
A Normally Closed (N.C.) sensing point referring to (-) ground, with the help of a normally closed magnetic contact
monitors the open or close status of the door. It initiates the following functions for the system. Connect it with jumper
to (-) Ground if not used.
a) Door Auto Re-lock
The system immediately re-locks the door after it is re-closed before the end of the programmed time for output 1.
It prevents unwanted “tailgate” entry.
b) Door Forced Open Warning
The keypad generates “door forced open” warning and alarm instantly once the door is forced to open without a
valid user PIN, Card or egress button. The warning lasts as long as the time programmed (1-999 sec). It can be
stopped with an User PIN for output 1 at anytime. See programming Location 80 for the details.
c) Door Propped-up Warning
The keypad generates propped-up warning beeps (does not activates alarm output) while the door is left open
longer than the allowable time programmed. The warning will last as long as the door is open until re-closed. See
programming Location 81 for the details.
d) Inter-lock Control
The inter-lock control output always goes to (-) while the door is open, which gives signal to disable the other
keypad in the inter-lock system. See the Inter-lock terminal description for more information.
e) Door Opening Alarm
Door Opening Alarm is designed for the emergency door only. It is always given when the door is opened unless a
valid user code or card is used prior to the door is opened. See programming Location 91 for the details.
17 : O/P 1 INHIBIT N.O. (Output 1 Inhibit Control Input – Normally Open)
A Normally Open (N.O.) sensing input point for controlling the Output 1, with this terminal connecting to (-) ground,
Egress Button, the group of User PINs and Cards for Output 1 are all disabled
. It is prepared mainly for the
cross wire connection with the “Inter-lock O/P” point on the other keypad in an Inter-lock system.
The inhibit function does not govern the Duress Codes and the Super User Codes. They are always valid.
18 : INTER-LOCK O/P (Inter-lock Control Output)
An NPN transistor open collector output with the maximum power rating of 24VDC/100mA sink. It is OFF at normal
condition and it switches to (-) ground immediately for the first 5 seconds after keying in a valid User PIN or reading
a card to operate Output 1, then, it will keep tying to (-) ground during the Door Position Sensor is open circuit due to
door opening. Use this output point to make cross wire connection with the other keypad’s “O/P 1 Inhibit” point in an
Inter-lock system to prevent both doors can be opened at the same time.
An Inter-lock System:
An inter-lock system is a two-door system that always allows only one of the doors to open during the operation.
While one of the doors is opened, the other door keeps close until the open door is re-closed. It prevents the
unauthorized people dashing into a protected area while the doors are in use.