Transcend Information, Inc.
RTC Alarm Resume
Select “Enabled” if you want to Power On your system at a certain time on the same day
every month or at a certain time every day.
Set the Date and Time to Power On the system. These fields are activated only when
the “RTC Alarm Resume” field is “Enabled”.
Primary INTR/IRQs Activity Monitoring
If you select “ON” for “Primary INTR”, the IRQs Activity Monitoring submenu will be
activated, allowing you to enter the submenu to select IRQs to be monitored by being
“Enabled”. The system will wake up if activity occurs associated with monitored IRQs.
Ring/WOL Resume
Select “Enabled” to Power On your system when the external modem and LAN card
receives a call.
NOTE: This function requires an external modem and LAN card which supports
the Ring Wake Up function.