Power Management Option
This category allows you to select the type (or degree) of power saving and is directly
related to the following modes.
1. HDD Power Down
2. Suspend Mode
There are three selections for Power Management. Two of them have fixed mode settings.
1. “Min Saving”:
Minimum power management mode. Inactivity period is defined as 1 hour.
2. “Max Saving”:
Maximum power management mode. Inactivity period is defined as 1 minute.
3. “User Define”:
Allows you to set each mode individually. Select the time-out period for HDD
Power Down (Selections are: 1 to 15 minutes or “Disabled”) and Suspend Mode
(Selections are: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 30, 40, 1 hr, or “Disabled”).
Video Off Option
This function allows the monitor to remain on or be blanked during a power saving mode.
Always On: Monitor remains on during power saving modes.
Suspend Off: Monitor is blanked when the system enters the suspend mode.
Video Off Method
This function defines the Video Off features.
“Blank Screen”: Blanks the screen. Use this setting for monitors without power
management or “green” features.
“V/H SYNC+Blank”: Blanks the screen and turns off vertical and horizontal scanning
“DPMS Support”: The DPMS (Display Power Management System) feature
allows BIOS to control the video display card if it supports the DPMS feature.
You can select one of the following interrupt resources for modem use: “N/A”, “3”, “4”,
“5”, “7”, “9”, ”10”, or “11”.