TS-AKT4 Family
Video BIOS Shadow
Select “Enabled” to change the video BIOS location from ROM to RAM, where the CPU
can read data through the 64-bit DRAM bus. This can enhance system performance.
C8000-DFFFF Shadow
You can shadow the ROM on other expansion cards by setting these fields. If you install
other expansion cards with ROMs, you need to know which address the ROMs specifically
use. Shadowing a ROM reduces the memory available between 640K and 1024K
depending on the used amount.
3.5 Advanced Chipset Features
This option will change the values of the chipset registers and the system settings will alter. Do
not change any value if you are unfamiliar with the chipset.
DRAM Timing by SPD
“Enabled” lets BIOS detect the DRAM Clock automatically. “Disabled” allows you to
manually set the DRAM Clock setting, the SDRAM CAS Latency setting, and Bank