TK 56917-11-MM-EN
No lights on nor flashing on the GFCI outlet.
Battery voltage is below mode setting (P01, P02: 12.2v / P03, P04:
Ensure all charging plugs/connections from charging source if
accessible (7 way, stinger cord) are seated properly
Run charging source (tractor, unit) for at least 5 minutes to charge
up source batteries above 13.1v. Confirm battery voltage above
13.1v. If battery voltage does not rise or hold charge, diagnose
and repair charging system or replace batteries.
If lights do not come on or start flashing after several minutes of
charging, GFCI may be tripped or inverter may have powered down.
If GFCI is tripped, Press reset button for at least 5 seconds, you will
feel and hear the reset button click, release. GFCI should now be
reset and both lights should be on or flashing every 5 seconds.
Confirm DC disconnect switch located on the outside of the charger
box is in the ON position.
Rotate knob to ON position.
The power inverter will also need to be turned on anytime
the DC disconnect switch was turned OFF.
Open EPJ box and ensure Inverter has power at the display, press
green power button to turn on if necessary.
If Inverter was powered down, check inverter screen for Error
codes OR if Inverter will not Power Up, reference Power Inverter
Diagnostics on pg. 26 or
“Diagnostic Procedures using Power
Power at GFCI Outlet, but RESET button trips or stays tripped
If the GFCI outlet trips the RESET button without a load:
Inspect GFCI outlet for loose or broken wire connections and repair
as needed.
Inspect wire harness from the GFCI outlet down to the EPJ Charger
Box and repair as needed.
If the GFCI outlet trips the RESET button with a load:
Inspect EPJ power cord and repair as needed.
Inspect EPJ battery connections and repair as needed
Inspect the GFCI outlet for damage and replace if needed with
Thermo King P/N 424456.