STEP 1 - Check the outdoor temperatures.
Subcooling (in cooling mode) is the only recom-
mended method of charging above 55º F ambi-
ent outdoor temperature.
For best results the indoor temperature should
be kept between 70º F to 80º F.
Note: It is important to return in the spring or
summer to accurately charge the system in the
cooling mode when outdoor ambient tempera-
ture is above 55º F.
STEP 1 - Use the refrigerant line total length
and lift measurements from Section 5.3.
Total Line Length = __________ Ft.
Vertical Change (Lift) = __________ Ft.
Section 14. System Charge Adjustment
14.1 Temperature Measurements
14.2 Subcooling Charging in Cooling (Above 55º F Outdoor Temp.)
Indoor Temp
80º F
70º F
Outdoor Temp
55º F
120º F