Following are frequently asked questions along with their answers:
Why won’t my
grill power on?
Verify power at the electrical outlet. If the power cord is connected to a GFCI (ground fault circuit
interrupter), check and reset if necessary. (Note that a GFCI outlet may be located in a nearby
outlet on the same electrical branch circuit.) Initiate start-up. If no ignition, see next answer.
Check power supply cord.
Check your extension cord.
Why won’t my
grill ignite?
Verify that you have properly maintained your grill as described in “Maintaining Your Grill” on pages
23-24 and there is not excessive ash in your firepot.
Verify that there are pellets in the pellet hopper and that the auger has been primed (see page 13).
Verify that pellets are reaching the firepot. If this is the initial firing or the grill has run out of pellets,
allow enough time for the pellets to travel from the pellet hopper to the firepot (can take up to
7 minutes).
If there are no pellets in your firepot, initiate start-up. See “Using Your Grill” on page 15. If there are
still no pellets in the firepot, proceed to next answer.
Check the draft inducer fan and the auger drive motor for operation. If both are operating, then the
hot rod needs to be replaced. If one or both are not operating, contact Traeger’s customer service
(see page 29) for additional troubleshooting help or to place an order.
Why are no
pellets being
delivered into
the firepot?
Confirm there are pellets in the pellet hopper.
If you have pellets and they aren’t being delivered, contact customer service (see page 29).
If the auger drive motor is operating (check the small fan blade on the back of the motor),
the problem is in the digital controller. Contact your Traeger dealer or Traeger’s customer service
(see page 29).
If the auger drive motor
is not
operating but the draft inducer fan
operating, then the problem
is in the auger system, which will need to be checked. With the main power switch OFF (
), locate
the small fan blade on the back of the auger drive motor.
While watching the fan blade,
turn the main power switch ON (
). If the fan blade does not turn, turn the main power switch
). This indicates a defective auger drive motor, and it will need to be replaced. Contact your
Traeger dealer or Traeger’s customer service (see page 29) to place an order. If the fan blade turns
a bit and then stops, continue watching and turn the main power switch OFF (
). If the fan blade
unwinds slightly, this indicates a jam in the auger system, which will need to be cleared.
Turn the main power switch OFF (
) and disconnect the power cord. Remove the pellets
from the pellet hopper. Check for foreign objects and wet or decomposed pellets, both of which
can cause a jam in the auger system. The auger will need to be removed to clear a jam in the auger
system. See “How do I remove the auger if it jams?”
Why is the
of my grill
Temperature fluctuations are normal for Traeger® Grills. Any significant fluctuation could be
the result of wind, air temperature, improper start-up procedure, improper use, or lack of grill
maintenance. Traeger recommends using a Traeger® Grill Insulation Blanket designed for your grill
to operate in below-freezing winter conditions.