Required tools: TracPal Strap and Extension Strap.
a) Hook the extension strap on the door handle on the opposite side of the door and
bring the strap to your side (Image 1 and 2). Connect the TracPal device to the
extension strap via the D-ring and carabine (Image 3). The length of the extension
strap should be so that TracPal will hang 50-60 cm from the ground (Image 4). Fold
TracPal into an O-shape wide enough, so that both of your feet will fit through.
b) Lie down on the mat to prevent sliding on the floor. Place your feet through the loop
and make sure your feet will not slip out.
c) Slowly move away from the door until you feel light traction in the lower back
(Image 5). Stay in this position for 5-10 minutes. You can also swing your legs from
side to side to create a more relaxed feeling in the lower back.
For deeper lower back stretch - support your upper body on the elbows and push the lower
back towards the floor, breathe deeply 5-8 times.