4.3.1 Screen 1
Displays Pressure reading in either millibars (mbar),
kiloPascals (kPa), or inches of Water (inH
Pressing the Up Arrow Key will scroll through
mbar, kPa and inH
Pressing the Down Arrow Key will Zero the
Pressure reading
Pressing the Scroll/Enter Key will toggle the ch2
temperature reading ON and OFF
Pressure Resolution
The pressure resolution can be toggled between 0.01mbar & 0.1mbar by pressing
and holding down both the
Up & Down Arrow Keys
4.3.2 Tightness Test Feature
Whilst on Screen 1 of the Pressure Screen (see 4.3.1) press the
Store/Logger Key
and the following screen will be displayed:-
will be flashing. Press the
Up Arrow Key
will be flashing.
Choose the Tightness Test Feature
by pressing the
Scroll/Enter Key.
Choose an address location (0-49) by
pressing the
Up & Down Arrow Keys.
When an address location (0-49) has
been chosen press the
Scroll/Enter Key
to start the
Tightness Test.