4.4.5 Configure ONT Srvprofile
In OLT discrete mode, ONT is automatically registered. When ONT online it would bind system
default lineprofile 0 and srvprofile 0 automatically. In this user manual don’t modify ont srvprofile 0
configuration and use it directly.
4.4.6 Configure OLT Multicast vlan
multicast-vlan 200
igmp member port gpon 0/0/1
Check ONT Register Status.
In OLT discrete mode, ONT is automatically registered. after ONT is automatically registered, use
show ont info
to query ONT online status. make sure ONT “Control flag” is ”Active”, ”Run
State” is ”Online”, “Config state” is “Success” and “Match state” is “Match”
OLT(config-interface-gpon-0/0)# show ont info 1 all
F/S P ONT SN Control Run Config Match
ID flag state state state
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
0/0 1 1 DB19B34F0C16 Active online success match
0/0 1 2 XPONE067B341 Active online success match
Total: 2, online 2, deactive: 0, failed: 0
Configure Bridge ONT(SFU) Service
In OLT discrete mode,we need enter OLT to config ONT one by one,config way as follows:
4.6.1 Configure Bridge ONT(SFU) Internet Service
Premise condition of ONT to open internet service:
OLT connect to uplink device and open internet service
OLT have created vlan for internet service
OLT have configured GE port vlan
ONT have registered
SFU ethernet port vlan mode have transparent, tag(access),trunk mode and so on, we can according to
our network plan configure different mode. all ont vlan is configured by OLT, configure way as
Configure traffic profile: