3 .
Do not
install the propeller. Power up the ESC and
use the transmitter to run the motor to make sure it turns
counter-clockwise when viewed from the front. If the motor
turns the wrong direction, disconnect the battery, and switch
any two of the three motor wires with each other. Then, retest.
Mount the Cowl
1. Mark on the cowl where to cut out for the nose gear wire.
2. Use a rotary tool with a cutting bit or a hobby knife
to carefully cut the cowl until it goes on far enough for the
base of the propeller adapter to protrude from the cowl
approximately 1/16" [1.6 mm ].
3. Draw a line on
a piece of paper 1/8"
[3.2mm] from one
4. Cut four strips
from the paper.
5. Tape two strips to each side of the fuselage where
shown – note that the front edge of each strip aligns with
the front of the fuselage.
6. Use a 1/4" propeller reamer to enlarge the hole in the
spinner back plate to fi t the propeller shaft on the motor.
7. Install the cowl and the spinner back plate. Position the
cowl so the back plate will be 1/16" [1.6 mm ] from the cowl
and the propeller shaft will rotate without contacting the cowl.
8. Using the lines on the paper strips as a guide, use a
T-pin to mark the screw hole locations onto the cowl.
9. Remove the cowl. Drill 3/32" [2.4mm] holes at the marks
using a piece of balsa or similar to support the inside of the
cowl at each hole as you drill.