9. Mount the landing gear to the wing with two straps
and four more M2.5 x 10 washer-head Phillips wood screws.
10. Prepare the other landing gear and mount to the other
wing in the same way.
Join the Vertical & Horizontal Stabilizer
1" [ 25 mm]
1. Cut the 10-24 x 2" [50mm] wing bolts to a length of 1"
[25mm]. Mount the wing to the fuselage with the bolts.
2. Test fi t horizontal stabilizer (stab) and vertical stabilizer
(fi n) to the fuselage. View the model from behind to check
that the stab is parallel with the wing and the fi n is vertical.
3. If necessary, adjust the slot for the stab in the fuselage
to get the stab horizontally aligned with the wing. Usually
though, all that will be required is a small amount of weight
on the
high side
of the stab.
4. Remove the stab and fi n from the fuselage. Make
sure you have your paper towel squares and denatured
alcohol handy.
5. Mix up a batch of 30-minute epoxy. Apply epoxy to all
joining areas of the stab, fi n and fuselage. Fit the stab and
fi n into position. 1/16" [1.6mm] balsa strips are handy for
quickly wiping away most of the excess epoxy—follow with
paper towel squares dampened with denatured alcohol. If
any weight was required to level the stab, don’t forget to
reposition the weight and double-check the alignment until
the epoxy has fully hardened.
6. While the wing is mounted to the fuselage, use a hobby
knife to trim any dimples from the bottom of the wing fairing
followed with sandpaper where the fairing contacts the
bottom of the wing.
7. Use medium CA to glue the wing fairing into position.