10. Maintenance
Before the air dehumidifier is opened or disassembled, it should be separated
from the mains beforehand.
Before working in the inside of the apparatus make sure that all motors,
especially the fans do not work !
If the air dehumidifier was in operation a cooling time of at least 30 min. should
be observed !
General maintenace
U-7000 Seres- air dehumidifiers have been designed for much operation time with minimal need
of maintenance. For a secure operation it is required to check all built in components at the latest
6 months or all 4.000 operation hours
and if necessary to clean (fan, drive motor, heating,
electricity supply and housing) and to change any damaged components.
Sensor exchange
Totech recommends to check the calibration once a year or to execute a new calibration of the
system by exchanging the sensor. The sensor can be reached easily. By loosening the security
ring the plug connection can be separated. The installation takes place in reverse order.
Changing of the filter
The periods between filter change depend on the degree of pollution of the air and the quality of
the filter. Filthy filters affect the performance of the air dehumidifiers. Therefore they should be
once a week
and when filthy be exchanged.
However, it is recommended to check and exchange the filter after first operation more often, as
dust residues can occur in the piping and channels, through which the filters absorb faster.
For changing the filter the narrow door should be opened. Behind it you will find the cover
steelplate, which has been fastened above and below with serrated screws with orange colour..
This plate can be removed and the filter can be removed and exchanged from the pipe on the
On no account the air dehumidifier should be operated without a correctly
installed filter or pre-filtered air !
Filth deposits on the rotor can diminish dehumidification considerably or
damage it irreparably.
There is also a danger of a complete failure of the regeneration heating because
of short circuit !