W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Soft Stall Selection
Protection Settings
Soft Stall Selection
This parameter Enables/Disables the Soft Stall and Overload Trip functions.
The Soft Stall function reduces the output frequency of the ASD when the
current requirements of the motor exceed the Thermal Protection #1 setting;
thus, reducing the output current.
If the current drops below the Thermal Protection #1 level setting within a
specified time, the output of the ASD will accelerate to the programmed
frequency setpoint.
If the current does not drop below the Thermal Protection #1 level setting
within the specified time, a trip will be incurred if the Trip function is enabled
at this parameter.
Soft Stall is highly effective in preventing motor overload trips when used on
fans, blowers, pumps, and other centrifugal loads which require less torque at
lower frequencies.
This parameter may be configured for a V/f motor or a standard motor.
Note: The Soft Stall setting may affect acceleration times and
V/f Motor — (Soft) Stall Only
V/f Motor — Disable Trip/Disable Stall
V/f Motor — Enable Trip/Enable Stall
V/f Motor — Trip Only
Standard Motor — (Soft) Stall Only
Standard Motor — Disable Trip/Disable Stall
Standard Motor — Enable Trip/Enable Stall
Standard Motor — Trip Only
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Trip Only
Changeable During Run — No
S-Pattern Lower Limit Adjustment
Fundamental Parameters
Fundamental #1
Lower Limit Adjustment
Sets the time added to the lower portion of S-pattern 1 and S-pattern 2
(decreases the accel rate at the ramp start).
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 25.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 50.00
Units — %
S-Pattern Upper Limit Adjustment
Fundamental Parameters
Fundamental #1
Upper Limit Adjustment
Sets the time added to the upper portion of S-pattern 1 and S-pattern 2
(decreases the decel rate at the ramp end).
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 25.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 50.00
Units — %
Soft Stall Selection
S-Pattern Upper Limit Adjustment