TC Series (TCmini/TC200) Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
This address can be specified as system data area.
Bit Address
Word Address
32 bits
External Input
Photo coupler
X000 - X00F
X00W - X00W
Device format is as follows:
Please refer to the manual of external device for more detail.
X100 - X11F
X10W - X11W
External Output
Y020 - Y02F
Y02W - Y02W
Panel LED
Y160 - Y16F
Y16W - Y16W
External Input Output Relay
X030 - X13F
X03W - X13W
X148 - XF7F
X14W - XF7W
Y030 - Y13F
Y03W - Y13W
Y148 - YF7F
Y14W - YF7W
I000 - IF7F
I00W - IF7W
O000 - OF7F
O00W - OF7W
Internal Relay
R000 - R77F
R00W - R77W
Extended Internal Relay 1
G000 - GF7F
G00W - GF7W
Extended Internal Relay 2
H000 - HF7F
H00W - HF7W
Extended Internal Relay 3
J000 - JF7F
J00W - JF7W
Extended Internal Relay 4
K000 - KF7F
K00W - KF7W
Edge Relay
E000 - E77F
E00W - E77W
Latch Relay
L000 - L07F
L00W - L07W
Shift Register
S000 - S07F
S00W - S07W
Timer Relay
T000 - T77F
T00W - T77W
Counter Relay
C000 - C77F
C00W - C77W
T/C Register 1
P000 - P77F
T/C Register 2
V000 - V77F
Generic Register 1
D000- DF7F
Generic Register 2
B000- BF7F
Generic Register 3
U000- UF7F
Generic Register 4
M000- MF7F
Generic Register 5
Q000- QF7F
E.g. X 0 0 W
Register Word Specified
Position (0 to 7)
Rack No. (0 to F)
D F 7 F
Port No. (0 to F)
Position (0 to 7)
Rack No. (0 to F)