TC Series (TCmini/TC200) Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
In the case of a 1:n connection, the terminating resistance switch and shield grounding switch need to be set.
Setting of the terminating resistance switch (ON/OFF) (LINE T)
Always turn on the terminating resistance on both end stations of the communication circuit. Always turn off
the terminating resistance of the way station.
Setting of the shield grounding switch (grounding/isolating) (LINE G) of communication cable
Turn on the shield grounding switch (grounding) on the shield side of the communication cable.
• Turning off the terminating resistance on both end stations or turning on the
terminating resistance of the way station disables normal communication.
If there is 4V or more grounding electric potential difference between the other control
panel and this module control panel, take the following steps.
• Turn off the shield grounding switch (isolating).
• If the total extension of communication cable exceeds 100m, turn on one or more
switch(es) (grounding) every 100m. Select a place with 4V or lower grounding electric
potential difference for grounding.
• If the total extension of the communication cable is 100m or less, turn on a switch
(grounding) in the intermediate position.