Command Interpreter (send radio commands to a specific WOB):
• Used to set flow mode parameters on WOB and for general testing of communications and flow.
• To send a command to a board, connect XTEND serial radio to laptop, and launch a terminal program (hypertrm is
installed Windows XP). Set to 19200 baud with no flow control (19200 N81). You may find it easier to create a .txt file
with the desired commands, and then use hypertrm Transfer menu -> Send text File to send the commands to the radio.
It is also possible to type commands directly into hypertrm but note that a delay between characters or commands will
cause the command to fail.
All commands Start with ATaaaaabb where:
aaaaa is the board precode (typically 00 followed by the three digit address of the master unit)
bb is the board number on the address switch. ( A=10,B=11,C=12,D=13,E=14, and F = 15 )
To test communication:
Send: ATaaaaabb
Response: aaaaa:bb->WOB ver:0.51 (or current version)
To read k factor:
Send: ATaaaaabbKc?
(where c is the flow input number (1, or 2)
Response: aaaaa:bb->Kc = <K setting here>
To set k factor:
Send: ATaaaaabbKc=ddd.ddd
(where ddd.ddd is desired k factor
padded with zeros)
Response: aaaaa:bb->Kc Set
To read offset:
Send: ATaaaaabbOc?
Response: aaaaa:bb->Kc = <offset setting here>
To set positive offset:
Send: ATaaaaabbOc=e.eee
(where e.eee is offset factor
padded with zeros)
Response: aaaaa:bb->Oc Set
To set negative offset:
Send: ATaaaaabbOc=-e.eee
(where e.eee is offset factor padded with zeros)
Response: aaaaa:bb->Oc Set
To read flow mode:
Send: ATaaaaabbM?
Response: aaaaa:bb-> <flow mode 1+2 or 1-2 will be indicated here>
To set flow mode:
Send: ATaaaaabbM=f
(where f = 0 for additive (1+2) or
f = 1 for difference (1-2)
Response: aaaaa:bb->Flow Mode Set
To read flow data:
Send: ATaaaaabbF?
Response: <several lines of flow data showing channel 1, channel 2,
and combined results>