Training Period
Before rolling greens with the tri-roller attachments, find a
clear area and practice starting, stopping, raising, lowering,
and rolling with the tri-roller. This training period will help
you gain confidence in operating the tri-roller.
Operating Tips
Maintain a straight line when rolling. Do not turn when the
tri-rollers are on the ground.
When the edge of the green is reached, raise the tri-rollers
before turning or stopping. The tri-rollers must be raised
completely before making turns. Survey the green to
determine if there are any obstacles that will be damaged or
will result in damage to the tri-rollers such as sprinkler heads
and protruding objects.
Lubricating the Tri-Roller
There are 4 grease fittings on each tri-roller which must be
lubricated after every 15 hours of operation. Lubricate using
a lithium-based grease. For best results, use a hand-operated
grease gun.
Wipe each grease fitting with a clean rag.
Apply grease to the tri-roller shaft bearings and rear
roller bearings (
) until pressure is felt.
Do not apply too much pressure or
grease seals will be permanently damaged.
Figure 12
Wipe excess grease away.