Tolomatic Hardware & Installation Guide:
ACS Drive/Controller
• 1-2 •
P r o d u c t o v e r v i e w
ACS drive/Controller (3604-9651) Capabilities
4, 8, or 16 move command modes (abso-
lute, incremental and jog or home with
analog output echoing position of actuator
from encoder) for infinite position capability
• Ability to reduce holding current for
energy savings
• End point correction
• Zone output based on position
• Force limiting capability
• Configurable digital I/O
(24 Vdc Opto-Isolated)(NPN or PNP)
• Compatible with most
24 Vdc stepper motors
• Analog position mode (0-10 Vdc or 4-20
• Pneumatic mode replaces pneumatic
valve logid for simple motion
• ModBus RTU over RS485 provides infinite
Adjustable motion profile parameters
(velocity, accel/decel, force). Parameters are
independently configurable for each move
ACS drive/Controller (3604-9654, 3604-9655) Additional Capabilities
• EtherNet mode provides infinite
positioning using EtherNet/IP and
Modbus TCP protocols
• Dual EtherNet port with internal switch for
easy daisy chaining
• Analog output for Analog Position Mode
1.1.2 Optional Accessories
Cable Options
Tolomatic offers a motor power cable
with drive and motor mating connectors,
an encoder cable with drive and encoder
connectors, and an I/O cable with drive
mating connector to flying leads. Cables are
available in either 3-meter or 5-meter lengths.
Starter Kit
Tolomatic offers a Starter Kit (Part No. 3604-
9044) for use with optional USB computer
connections. The kit includes:
USB to RS-232 converter
Adapter cable for RJ12 to D-sub
Tolomatic Motion Interface Software CD