Toho Electronics TTX-800 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 6


- 6 - 




Setting of the Communication Speed 




PV  Please set the communication speed. 



SV  Initial Value 

































Communication Address 



PV  Please set the communication address. 



SV  Initial Value 





Setting Range 





The communication address of CH2 is 


A 1




If it is set to 



 the address of CH2 is 






Response Delay Time 



PV  Please set the response delay time. 



SV  Initial Value 







Setting Range





Set the time to take for the upper computer to complete the receiving of the 

request message


 open the line, and get 

ready for the next input. 

Communication may not be performed properly if the response delay time is too short. 

In actual operation, the processing time of the product will be added to the response delay time. 




Switching of the Communication Mode 




PV  Please set the switching of the communication mode. 



SV  Initial Value 








Communication R is available 



Communication RW is available 

Only this setting will allow R/W of communication even during 




Содержание TTX-800

Страница 1: ... 1 TOHO ELECTRONICS INC Operation Manual Communication Edition TOHO Protocol MODBUS Model TTX 800 Name 2chModule typeController 4D 6607 A ...

Страница 2: ...toBeMadePriortoCommunication 3 2 SettingtheMODBUSCommunication 4 2 1 Outline 4 2 2 DetailedSettingsoftheCommunicationSettingMode 5 3 MODBUSCommunicationControl 7 3 1 CommunicationProcedures 7 3 2 KindsofMessage 7 3 3 ExplanationofMODBUSRTUCommunication 8 3 4 ExplanationofMODBUSASCIICommunication 13 4 Specifications 18 4 1 TypeofCommunicationStandard 18 4 2 CommunicationSpecifications 18 5 Wiring 1...

Страница 3: ...ttenwillbereplacedbythepreviousdata datathatissavedinEEPROM ifthepoweris turnedOFFandthenturnedON TosavethewrittendataintoEEPROMofthisproduct executethesaverequestmessage See 3 3 4 and 3 4 4 ThingstobeNotedDuringCommunication Furthermore unnecessarysettingitems suchasitemsthatarerelatedtotheunattachedoption willnotbereadand written 1 3 Position Priority ofCommunication Thisproductallowstheusertoch...

Страница 4: ...owtheprocedureshownbelowtonavigatebetweensettingscreens SeetheUser sManualoftheproductfordetails Whenthesettingisdone presstheMODEkeyformorethantwosecondstoreturntooperationmode Communicationsettingmodeisasettingmodethatiscommonforchannels Itcanchangethecommunicationsetting withthefollowingoperationregardlessoftheselectionofCH Eachparametershownaboveistheinitialvalue ...

Страница 5: ... Settings Modbus RTU Modbus ASCII 2 2 2 DataLength PV Pleasesetthedatalength SV InitialValue Settings 7bits 8bits 2 2 1 Thiscanbesetonlyifthesettingofthecommunicationprotocolis 2 2 2 3 ParityCheck PV Pleasesettheparitycheck SV InitialValue Settings OFF Odd Even 2 2 4 StopBitLength PV Pleasesetthestopbitlength SV InitialValue Settings 1bit 2bits ...

Страница 6: ...ime PV Pleasesettheresponsedelaytime SV InitialValue Settings SettingRange 0 250 Setthetimetotakefortheuppercomputertocompletethereceivingofthe requestmessage opentheline andget readyforthenextinput Communicationmaynotbeperformedproperlyiftheresponsedelaytimeistooshort Inactualoperation theprocessingtimeoftheproductwillbeaddedtotheresponsedelaytime 2 2 8 SwitchingoftheCommunicationMode PV Pleasese...

Страница 7: ...Message Kindsofmessagecanbebrieflyclassifiedintothefollowing DataisinbinaryduringMODBUSRTUmode InthecaseoftheMODBUSASCIImode allcodeswillbeexpressedinASCIIcode Tocodetheprogramfortheuppercomputer see 6 ListofIdentifier Codes and 7 ListofASCIICodes Thisproductwillnotsavethedataunlessthesaverequestmessageisreceived TokeepthedataforthenextpowerON sendthesaverequestmessage See 3 3 4 1 TimingofTransmis...

Страница 8: ... 10H c RegisterAddress Upper 01H Firstregisteraddress Lower 00H d NumberofRegisters Upper 00H 2 fixed Lower 02H f NumberofBytes 04H NumberofRegistersx2 g DatafortheFirstRegister LowerWord Upper 00H Datastructureis H represents1byte Lower 00H DatafortheFirstRegister UpperWord Upper 00H Lower 00H e CRC 16 Lower FEH Upper 3FH 3 3 1 3 StructureofSaveRequestMessage a SlaveAddress 01H b FunctionCode 10H...

Страница 9: ...ents1byte Lower A1H DatafortheFirstRegister UpperWord Upper 00H Lower 00H e CRC 16 Lower A8H Upper 09H 3 3 2 2 ResponseMessageforWrite SaveRequestMessage a SlaveAddress 01H b FunctionCode 10H c RegisterAddress Upper 01H Firstregisteraddress Lower 00H d NumberofRegisters Upper 00H 2 fixed Lower 02H e CRC 16 Lower 40H Upper 34H 3 3 2 3 ResponseMessagefortheError a SlaveAddress 01H b FunctionCode 83H...

Страница 10: ...fapossibleerrorinthemessage ItsendsCRC 16 CyclicRedundancy Code ThegeneratingpolynomialofCRC 16thatisusedinthisproductisX16 X15 X2 1 Thelowerbytebeforetheupperbyteistobeattachedattheendofthemessage f NumberofBytes Specifiesthenumberofregistersthatreadandwritex2 Sincethenumberofregistersofthisproductis2 fixed set 04H g DataSection Specifiesthedatatobewrittenintotheregister Datais fourbytes fixed If...

Страница 11: ...message ofthisproductforthereply Contentsandclassificationoferrorsarethefollowing ErrorNumber Descriptionoferrorsinthe RequestMessage thatwasreceivedbythisproduct 01 Receivedanunsupportedfunctioncode 02 Receivedanunspecifiedaddress 03 Numericalvaluedataisoutofthe settingrangethatisspecifiedindividuallybythesetting item ...

Страница 12: ifthereisanerrorintheaddresssectionofthe requestmessage noneoftheslavestationswillreturnthe responsemessage Therefore theuppercomputershouldresendthenecessary requestmessage ifthe responsemessage isnotreturned withinthereasonabletime Atatimeintervalofmorethan3 5characters thisproductclearsallcharactersthatwerereceivedpriortothesaid interval 3 3 4 5 NumberofDigitsofDataandPositionofDecimalPoint ...

Страница 13: ...unctionCode 1 0 d RegisterAddress Upper 0 1 Firstregisteraddress Lower 0 0 e NumberofRegisters Upper 0 0 2 fixed Lower 0 2 h NumberofBytes 0 4 NumberofRegistersx2 i DatafortheFirstRegister LowerWord Upper 0 0 Datastructureis H represents1byte Lower 0 0 DatafortheFirstRegister UpperWord Upper 0 0 Lower 0 0 f LRC E 8 g EndCode CR LF 3 4 1 3 StructureofSaveRequestMessage a StartCode b SlaveAddress 0 ...

Страница 14: ...ents1byte Lower 0 0 DatafortheFirstRegister UpperWord Upper 0 0 Lower 0 0 f LRC F 8 g EndCode CR LF 3 4 2 2 ResponseMessageforWrite SaveRequestMessage a StartCode b SlaveAddress 0 1 c FunctionCode 1 0 d RegisterAddress Upper 0 1 Firstregisteraddress Lower 0 0 e NumberofRegisters Upper 0 0 2 fixed Lower 0 2 f LRC E C g EndCode CR LF 3 4 2 3 Responsemessagefortheerror a StartCode b SlaveAddress 0 1 ...

Страница 15: ...ttenorsavedintothisproduct d RegisterAddress Specifiesthepositionofdatatobereadorwrittenwithtwobytes See 6 ListofIdentifiers Codes fortheaddressofeachcommand e NumberofRegisters Specifiesthenumberofregistersthatwrite Sincethenumberofregistersofthisproductisfixedto2 setitto 0002H f LRC Thisisanerrorcheckingcodeforthedetectionofpossibleerrorsinthemessage ItsendsLRC LRCthatisusedinthisproductisavalue...

Страница 16: ...F ASCIIcodewillbewrittenincaseofthecharacterdata meansspace ContentsofCommunication HEXData PriorityScreen0 1 INP 20494E50h 4E502049 PriorityScreen0 2 P1 20205031h 50312020 j ErrorNumber Ifthereisanerrorinthemessagethatwassentbytheuppercomputer theerrornumberwillbeincludedinthe responsemessage ofthisproductforthereply Formultipleerrors thelargesterrornumberwillbeincluded Contentsandclassificationo...

Страница 17: ...avestationswillreturnthe responsemessage Therefore theuppercomputershouldresendthenecessary requestmessage ifthe responsemessage isnotreturned withinthereasonabletime Oncethestartcodeisreceived thisproductclearsallcodesthatwerereceivedpriortothesaidstartcode 3 4 4 5 NumberofDigitsofDataandPositionoftheDecimalPoint See 3 4 3ExplanationofMODBUSASCIICodesi DataSection 3 4 4 6 OperationAfterReceivingt...

Страница 18: ...nce Upto500m Provided however thatthedistancemayvarydependingonthesurroundingenvironment suchascables 4 2 3 Character 1 MODBUS RTU CommunicationProtocol StartBitLength 1bitfixed StopBitLength Selectandsetfrom1bitand2bits DataLength 8bitsfixed Parity Selectandsetfromnone odd andeven CRC 16Check ONfixed CommunicationAddress 1 247 2 MODBUS ASCII CommunicationProtocol StartBitLength 1bitfixed StopBitL...

Страница 19: ...hecablewiththesamecharacteristicimpedancefortheconnectionbetweensecondarystationsaswell Attachtheterminatortoboththeprimarystation andthefarthestsecondarystation secondarystation3 Choosetheterminatorofwhich Characteristicimpedanceofcables Resistanceof Resistanceof Also useacablewithcharacteristicimpedancewhere Resistanceof Resistanceof parallelcombinedresistance is75Ωorhigher Usethetwistedpairwire...

Страница 20: ...pointCorrection RW 40291 0122 Settingof6BeforePVMultipointCorrection RW 40293 0124 Settingof7BeforePVMultipointCorrection RW 40295 0126 Settingof8BeforePVMultipointCorrection RW 40297 0128 Settingof9BeforePVMultipointCorrection RW 40299 012A Settingof10BeforePVMultipointCorrection RW 40301 012C Settingof0AfterPVMultipointCorrection RW 40303 012E Settingof1AfterPVMultipointCorrection RW 40305 0130 ...

Страница 21: ...tiveTime RW 40553 0228 SettingoftheProportionalCycle RW 40555 022A AntiresetWindup RW 40557 022C SettingoftheControlSensitivity RW 40559 022E SettingoftheOFFPoint RW 40561 0230 SettingoftheMaximumLimitofManipulated Variable MV LimiterofSubcontrol RW 40563 0232 SettingoftheMinimumLimitofManipulated Variable MV LimiterofSubcontrol RW 40565 0234 ManipulatedVariableofSubcontrol RW 40567 0236 Settingof...

Страница 22: ...oftheSensitivityofEvent1 RW 40783 030E SettingoftheDelayTimerofEvent1 RW 40785 0310 SettingofEvent1Output RW 40787 0312 SettingofEvent2 PVAbnormality Output RW 40789 0314 SettingofEvent3 ATAbnormality Output RW 40791 0316 SettingofEvent4 LoopAbnormality Output RW 40793 0318 SettingofEvent5 TimerOutput Output RW 40795 031A SettingofEvent6 Interlock Output RW 40797 031C SettingofEventDisplay RW 4079...

Страница 23: ...SettingoftheMinimumLimitofEvent1 RW 41037 040C SettingoftheSensitivityofEvent1 RW 41039 040E SettingoftheDelayTimerofEvent1 RW 41041 0410 SettingofEvent1Output RW 41043 0412 SettingofEvent2 PVAbnormality Output RW 41045 0414 SettingofEvent3 ATAbnormality Output RW 41047 0416 SettingofEvent4 LoopAbnormality Output RW 41049 0418 SettingofEvent5 TimerOutput Output RW 41051 041A SettingofEvent6 Interl...

Страница 24: ...RW 41305 0518 SettingofEvent5 TimerOutput Output RW 41307 051A SettingofEvent6 Interlock Output RW 41309 051C SettingofEventDisplay RW 41311 051E SettingofEventPolarity RW 6 1 6 TimerSettingMode modbus Name Command Remark Absolute DEC Relative HEX 41537 0600 SettingoftheTimerOutputDestination RW 41539 0602 SettingoftheTimerFunction RW 41541 0604 SwitchingoftheTimerUnit RW 41543 0606 SettingoftheTi...

Страница 25: ...onMode RW W of communication is possible even during the switching of communication mode RO 6 1 9 OtherSettingsMode modbus Name Command Remark Absolute DEC Relative HEX 42305 0900 ResetAlarm W 42307 0902 Switching of the Unit of Nonoperation Backlight ShutoffTime RW 42309 0904 NonoperationBacklightShutoffTime RW 42311 0906 BackupSettingValues W 42313 0908 SettingoftheDeviceType RW 42315 090A Initi...

Страница 26: ...R 40009 0008 OperationState R 0 READY 1 RUN 2 MANUAL 40011 000A DOMonitor R ReturnsthestateofDOwiththebitinformation OFF 0 ON 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 Fixedto0 OUT1Fixedto0ifthemodelisAO 40013 000C AOMonitor R OUT1DOModel Fixedto0 0 OUT1AOModel 10 0 110 0 40015 000E DIModel R ReturnsthestateofDI Nonactive 0 Active 1 40017 0010 Information R Returnsthestatewiththebitinformation NormalSt...

Страница 27: ...TX DC3 3 C S c s 04h EOT DC4 4 D T d t 05h ENQ NAK 5 E U e u 06h ACK SYN 6 F V f v 07h BEL ETB 7 G W g w 08h BS CAN 8 H X h x 09h HT EM 9 I Y i y 0Ah LF SUB J Z j z 0Bh VT ESC K k 0Ch FF FS L l 0Dh CR GS M m 0Eh SO RS N n 0Fh SI US O _ o DEL HowtoUsetheASCIICodeTable ASCIICode Upper Lower Example1 If A 41h 40h 01h Example2 If m 6Dh 60h 0Dh ...

Страница 28: Room401PalaceYoyogiUehara 3 1 8Nishihara Shibuya Ku Tokyo151 0066Japan TEL 03 5452 4010 RepresentativeLine FAX 03 5452 4017 OsakaOffice 7FEastHall YachiyoBldg 2 Kita1 21Tenjinbashi Kita Ku Osaka Shi Osaka530 0041Japan TEL 06 6353 9205 FAX 06 6353 9273 KumamotoOffice 2 10 23Higashino Higashi Ku Kumamoto Shi Kumamoto Ken861 2106Japan TEL 096 214 6507 FAX 096 214 6510 ...
