Contents .............................................................................. 1
Introduction.......................................................................... 1
Safety Considerations ......................................................... 2
Checking the Piping ............................................................ 4
Operation............................................................................. 5
Specifications ...................................................................... 6
Configuration ....................................................................... 6
Installation ........................................................................... 7
Maintenance........................................................................ 8
Disassembly / Reassembly ................................................. 9
Instructions for Plug / Holder Disassembly and Reassembly .. 11
Troubleshooting................................................................. 12
Product Warranty .............................................................. 13
Options .............................................................................. 14
Thank you for purchasing the
Free Float Steam Trap.
This product has been thoroughly inspected before being shipped from the factory.
When the product is delivered, before doing anything else, check the specifications and
external appearance to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary. Also be sure to read
this manual carefully before use and follow the instructions to be sure of using the
product properly.
This free float drain trap uses a precision-polished float and three-point support for the
valve body. With no hinges or levers, the trap continuously discharges condensate,
preventing it from collecting. The three-point seating for the valve body supports the
precision-polished float securely at three points and ensures a high degree of sealing
for even minute quantities of condensate. The trap can also be disassembled and
reassembled while still installed in the piping. This results in considerable time savings
and facilitates repair and maintenance.
The outstanding features of the precision-polished float and 3-point valve body support,
combined with a mechanism that has a proven record of success, increases the
efficiency of a variety of systems and reduces time and labor needed for maintenance
and bypass blowdown operations
If detailed instructions for special order specifications or options not contained in this
manual are required, please contact
for full details.
This instruction manual is intended for use with the model(s) listed on the front cover. It
is necessary not only for installation but for subsequent maintenance,
disassembly/reassembly and troubleshooting. Please keep it in a safe place for future
172-65486MA-00 (SH5VL) 5 Sep 2012