172-65727MA-01 (CV-COS-16) 7 Oct 2021
5. Maintenance Space
Leave sufficient space for maintenance, inspection and
repair. (Units: mm)
100 mm
≈ 4"
110 mm
≈ 4
300 mm
≈ 12"
400 mm
≈ 16"
6. Trap Outlet Pipe
For ease of maintenance, installation of a union
connection is recommended for the trap outlet pipe.
Connect the outlet pipe to a condensate return line, or
extend it to a trench. In the case of the latter, make sure
the end of the pipe is above the waterline. (Dirt and
water may be sucked up by the vacuum formed during
trap closure and system shutdown.) If the end must be
underwater, make sure the piping has a small hole, as shown in the drawing
7. Accessories
Always install a shut-off valve, pressure gauge and bypass lines at both inlet and
outlet. Ball valves, which will not retain condensate, are recommended for inlet
and outlet shut-off valves. The bypass pipe should be at least 1/2 of the size of
the inlet (primary side) pipe.
8. Installation Environment
Check the installation environment to make sure that the ambient temperature
does not exceed the actuator ambient temperature limit and that no corrosive
gasses are present.
9. Shut-off Valve Installation
Though the product adequately performs the function of a shut-off valve initially,
extended use will result in a drop in its performance as an isolation valve. Be sure
to install a separate shut-off or automatic valve if complete isolation is needed.
10. Safety Valve Installation
When installing a safety valve, be sure not to install it between the control valve
and the shut-off valve
It must be installed near the equipment it is to protect, on the outlet side of the
shut-off valve.
Safety Valve
Safety Valve
Small hole
15 mm