TKH Security | Siqura INT-RJ / -SM / -MM |
Installation manual v2
Safe Area (SA) camera housing
The SA camera housings can be fitted with
“direct to fiber” outputs by using the INT-SM for
Ethernet over single-mode or INT-MM for Ethernet over multimode fiber. The INT-RJ
interface offers an RJ45 interface for 100 Mb Fast Ethernet.
Safe Area cameras are not available with an external cable tail.
Hazardous Area (Ex) camera housing
The Atex or EX camera housings require a pre-installed cable tail. The INT-RJ5 or INT-
RJ10 define a EX cable tail for 100 Mb Fast Ethernet of 5 or 10 meter. INT-SM5 or INT-
SM10 defines a single-mode connection with a 5 or 10 meter multicable and INT-MM
similar for multi-mode. The cable is terminated by two Ex d barrier glands on both sides. At
one side connected to the camera, at the other side of the cable the fiber is fitted with SC
connectors and the power and data cable cores are fitted with ferules.