Before initial starting of pellet stove for indoor central heating, following conditions
should be checked and confirmed:
- Is stove properly connected to electric power supply?
- Is stove properly connected to chimney?
- Distance from obstacles and flammable materials,
- Check the quality of fuel/pellet
- Is there a fresh air inlet in to the room and what is the quality of air circulation?
- How far is ambient temperature probe far from heat source?
Original probe cable is 80cm long so it is recommended to put probe 10cm above the floor.
Optionally, customer could use external thermostat (wireless thermostat) in which case it is
possible to connect it to stove.
- Is stove connected to a heating system in proper way?
-What is the quality and condition of residential heating system?
Before kindling the stove, it is preferable to inform stove user about maintenance
- Daily maintenance
a) Cleaning of glass
b) Cleaning burning pot
- Weekly maintenance
a) Cleaning of glass
b) Cleaning burning pot
c) Cleaning of ashtray
- Monthly maintenance OR after 1 ton of used pellet
a) Cleaning of glass,
b) Cleaning of burning pot,
c) Cleaning of ashtray
d) Cleaning of Heat exchanging tubes connected to boiler,
e) Cleaning of space below boiler (Take out the ashtray and open Inspection covered
f) Cleaning of chimney
- Seasonal maintenance
a) All above mention cleanings but also checking of all stove features and parts by
authorized person (it's recommendation that season maintenance is done by qualified technician)