10. Repair
Repair is only allowed by the manufacturer or expli-
citly authorised repair shops.
In case of damages on the device or failure of the
function test according to section 3.2 or for detailed
inspection/calibration, please contact:
or send the device and a
describtion of failure back to the manufacturer
(address see page 1).
11. Accessories
Only screwable or attachable extensions/adapters
DSP-S that are provided by the manufacturer may
be used. To use securely compact screwable
extensions both test probes of the MultiSafe DSP
must be provided with thread.
Extensions/adapters may only to be used, when
mounted on the voltage tester. They need to be
attached/screwed completely and securely to the
Perform the fuction test with mounted extensions
(see section 3.2) before starting voltage testing.
The device with extensions has to be clean and dry
before start voltage testing.
Further information are available at