Quality of service
set qos-ext class <name> priority percent <value>
Bandwidth values can be cancelled with one of the following commands:
set qos-ext class <name> no-bandwidth
set qos-ext class <name> no-bandwidth percent
set qos-ext class <name> no-bandwidth max
set qos-ext class <name> no-bandwidth burst
set qos-ext class <name> no-bandwidth burst-max
A class can be cancelled with the command:
set qos-ext no-class <name>
It is possible to associate a queue-discipline with the class, different from the FIFO. The available
ones are:
set qos-ext no-class <name> qdisc pfifo | sfq |sfqtun
indicates Stochastic Fairness Queue, which allows packets the same probability of being
served. It is necessary when the output bandwidth is not deterministic (as in mobile connections) in
order to avoid that particular flows dominate the entire bandwidth to others‟ disadvantage.
policy is the same of SFQ one but it is applied when the output interface is a GRE
In order to assign traffic to a class, one or more filters are defined by using the following command:
set qos-ext class <name> filter match <options>
Conditions associated with filters are applied on incoming traffic through a union relation (match x
or match y or match...).
In order to remove a filter the following command is used:
set qos-ext class <name> filter no-match <options>
In order to filter on a DSCP value the command is:
set qos-ext class <name> filter match dscp <value>
In order to filter on a DSCP class value the command is:
set qos-ext class <name> filter match dscp-class <value>
In order to filter on an IP-Precedence value the command is:
set qos-ext class <name> filter match ipp <value>
In order to filter on a IP source address the command is:
set qos-ext class <name> filter match src-ip <value>
In order to filter on a destination IP address the command is:
set qos-ext class <name> filter match dst-ip <value>
In order to filter on a destination interface the command is:
set qos-ext class <name> filter match dst-intf <value>