SIF5600 - Manual - 03 - 2008
Analogously for the setting commands:
Set time
date and time setting commands are stored immediately without the need to use the
Inside the ModBus slave menu it is possible to read and modify the values of all the parameters
concerning the serial communication for the SIF5600 relay, i.e. the baud rate, number of stop bits,
parity and address.
the address allows identification of the individual SIF5600 relay from among the collection of protec-
tion relays located on the same rS485 line in order to allow remote control by means of the serial
communication line.
Modbus slave
submenu example:
Setting the address of the SIF5600 digital protection relay
Baud rate
9600 Setting the transmission speed
Setting the parity
Stop bit
Setting the number of stop bits
Likewise, also present are the parameters relating to the programmable delays which are activated
during the inversion of the direction of communication on the rS485 line.
example messages:
enable tX delay
2 ms
Start rX delay 1 ms
As a function of the requirements necessary for correct communication with different types of mas-
ter units, it may be necessary to set the enable tX delay, which is included prior to the initiation of the
effective transmission of the signal over the rS485 line and/or the Start tX delay, which is included
prior to the initiation of the effective response to the MASter unit.
Further details are reported in the chapter relating to the Modbus protocol.
Note: the address of the SIF5600 relay may be modified by a local RS3 connection; for a matter of safety it cannot be modified remotely (RS485).
DEFAULT (Option)
Available inside the Options menu are the configuration parameter reset (Default) commands.
Set default PAr
Set default ree
In case of any anomalies detected by the self-test function, where configuration data has become
corrupted, it is possible to restore the factory default settings. In particular, using the command “Set
default PAr”, the calibration data is restored (thresholds, times, output relay assignment etc), whilst
with the command “Set default ree” all the updated variables for the SIF5600 (counters, ...etc) and
the serial communication parameters are automatically reset.
except for extraordinary situations, it is not necessary to use such commands which in any case
allow the restoration of the factory set default values following an anomaly.
Following use of this command, it is necessary to then proceed with the setting of the desired set-
tings and/or the calibration of the voltages just as in the case for first installation.
File operation mode
In off-line mode, it is possible to modify settings with the possibility of generating one or more files
containing the programs desired, which can then be transferred over the SIF5600 relay by means of
the “send settings” command.
the file may be constructed by creating it from scratch, by starting from a file already present on a
Personal computer, or from a file taken from a relay by means of the “read settings” command. In
this case, after having opened the thySetter program, it is necessary to give the “read settings”
command, which can be activated from the Procedures menu or by means of the button represented
by a right-facing arrow located in the upper command bar.
It is subsequently necessary to press the “read” button, located in the window which will open
Upon completion of communication, it is possible to save the file with the desired name in accor-
dance with the usual methods for Windows type folders.
After having completed construction of the desired file, it is possible to download it over the SIF5600
relay by means of the “send settings” command which may be accessed from the Procedures menu,
or by using the button represented by a downward-facing arrow located in the upper command bar.
It is subsequently necessary to press the “Send” button, located in the window which will open
Drop down menus
Some general-use drop-down menus are provided; for some there is also a button (icon) with the
same function