SIF5600 - Manual - 03 - 2008
- red 50N-51N LeD, if on, indicating the tripping of the first or second ground fault protective device
threshold assigned to at least one output relay; this LeD should be reset manually;
- cB OPeN LeD, if on, indicating the breaker to be in the “OPeN” position;
- cB cLOSeD LeD, if on, indicating the breaker to be in the “cLOSeD” position.
the trip LeD indicators and the stored diagnostic information (latched) may be rest by means of the
reSet button on the front of the relay or by means of the terminal block rS485 serial communication
interface or front panel rS232 (thySetter).
Communication interfaces
the SIF5600 relay has an isolated rS485 serial communication interface in the terminal block, op-
erating with the MODBUS rtU protocol, it may be used for remote communication with the field
bus, and an isolated rS232 serial communication interface with 9 pin connector located on the front
panel, also operating with the MODBUS rtU protocol, which may be used for locals communication
When the rS232 port is used, this has priority over the rS485 port.
the MODBUS rtU communication protocol has the following characteristics:
- baud rate: 1200...9600 baud;
- parity: Odd/even/No;
- number of stop bits: 1 or 2;
- communication address: 1...247 (only configurable through the rS232 interface);
- the maximum number of digital protection relays which can be connected to the same rS485 com-
munication line: 32;
By means of communication software via the terminal block rS485 or front panel rS232 (thySetter)
it is possible to:
- set the communication parameters (baud rate, parity, number of stop bits);
- view and modify the protective device settings and the type and characteristics of tripping;
- set the phase and residual current reading mode to either primary amperes or as a value relative to
the corresponding nominal current;
- view and modify the nominal primary current of the phase cts;
- view and modify the date and time;
- view the readings, counts and identifying data for each relay;
- individually reset the start and trip counters for the thresholds and Boolean logic activation;
- view the information pertaining to the last eight recorded events
- view and alter the programming in relation to the output relays and; adjustment of the correspond-
ing timer ttr1...4;
- simultaneously reset the LeD indicators and the output relays programmed to be manually reset;
- view and alter the associations of the thresholds to the block input and output circuits, enable the
control impulses, adjust/enable the backup timers tB and tF, adjust the control impulse control and
transmission windows and enable block input Blin1;
- read the self-test messages;
- control breaker opening and closing
- enable or disable breaker status control;
- activate the test function, selecting the threshold in relation to the protective function to be
checked, the relevant test method and reading the test outcome as the last recorded event
setting the address of the SIF5600 unit (between and 47) may only be performed by means of the connection to the RS3 communication port
the relay self-test function classifies relay operational anomalies according to three levels:
- MINOr ANOMALY: the device continues to function within the possible limits with the protective
devices activated;
- MAJOr ANOMALY: Operation of the device may be corrected by the operator by resetting the
initial (default) configuration and hence the desired settings;
- FAtAL ANOMALY: All logic and protective functions are inoperative and the relay must be returned
to the factory.
the internal self-test function is capable of detecting the following anomalies and indicating them
by means of messages:
- defective auxiliary power supply (FAtAL ANOMALY);
- output relay coil breakage (FAtAL ANOMALY);
- alteration of the calibration data stored in eePrOM memory (FAtAL ANOMALY);
- alteration of the parameters (threshold setting, times, relays… etc.) in eePrOM memory (MAJOr
- alteration of the data (counters, records, ...etc.) in eePrOM memory (FAtAL ANOMALY);
- breakage of the accelerated logic pilot wire in relation to input BLIN1 (MINOr ANOMALY);
- short circuit of the accelerated logic pilot wire (MINOr ANOMALY);
- accelerated logic breaker failure (MINOr ANOMALY).
Upon detection of at least one of the above mentioned anomalies, the output relay programmed for
Self-test is switched and the information is recorded (latched).
the self-test messages may be acquired over the rS485 serial communication interface in the termi-
nal block or the front panel rS232 interface with the thySetter software.