Secure the hatch cover plate with four 2x8mm wood screws.
Use a pen or marker to mark the positions for the Aileron Control
Horn. Drill out the 2mm holes and secure with 2x22mm screws as
With the servo at neutral position, attached the clevis to the
threaded end of aileron pushrod and snap on to the control horn. Mark
the pushrod for Z-bend end. Insert the Z-bend end to servo horn and
secure the servo horn onto the servo.
If you are going to use Flapron on Cloud Dancer, two aileron
extension cords will be needed. If not then you will need a Y cord to
connect two aileron servos.
III.Decide On Retracts
Before assembling the wing, you must decide whether or not you are
going to install the optional retracts. If you fly off a grass field, we
recommend you stay with the stock fixed gear. Instructions are
provided for either event.
Fix Gear
With a wing panel upside down on your work surface, cut away the
material that covers the landing gear block area.
With the landing gear block centered over the hole, mark around
the block. Next, cut away the balsa sheeting from this area.
Note that each landing gear block has a hole pre-drilled. This hole
goes to the center of the wing. With this in mind, securely glue the
landing gear blocks in place with 30 minute epoxy. Wipe away any
excess. Repeat the same procedure on the other wing half.