Compact Scientific Digital Cameras
Chapter 3: Setup & Installation
Rev C, August 27, 2021
Page 17
Auxiliary I/O Connectors
Two auxiliary I/O connectors on the CS165xU1 and CS165xU1/M cameras allow the user to access optional camera
control and internal status signals. The connectors are coax MMCX connectors.
Figure 8
I/O Ports
3.7.1. I/O Port Descriptions
STROBE OUT (Output):
STROBE OUT is an LVTTL output (0 to 3.3 V) that is high during the actual sensor
exposure time. STROBE OUT is typically used to synchronize an external flash lamp or other device with
the camera.
TRIGGER IN is an LVTTL input (0 to 3.3 V) used to trigger exposures on the camera.
Transitions can occur from the HIGH to LOW states or LOW to HIGH, as selected using the ThorCam
interface. Default is Low to High. Minimum Trigger Pulse-width is 100 µs. Maximum trigger voltage may
not 5 V or go below -0.7 V.
3.7.2. Auxiliary Cable
Two Thorlabs CA3339 BNC-to-MMCX 1m cables are supplied with each CS165xU1 and CS165xU1/M camera.