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Stand: 12.01.2021
Thermokon Sensortechnik GmbH, Platanenweg 1, 35756 Mittenaar, Germany tel: +49 2778 6960-0 fax: -400
STC-DO8_Typ3_EasySens_Datasheet_en.docx © 2021
Test Outputs
Via the menu "Test Outputs" the function of all STC-DO8 outputs and all thermic actuators connected can be tested.
Advice: Please note that the normal control function of the STC-DO8 is stopped, as long as you are in the menu "Test Outputs". The control function
is automatically activated again as soon as the menu "Test Outputs" is left.
Lock Parameterization
In order to avoid a change of the control properties by mistake after installation, the corresponding menu points can be locked. Due to the locking,
only the time switch as well as time and date can be programmed afterwards. To activate the locking, push the two upper buttons (F1 and F2) of
the switched-on STC-DO8 for 10 seconds until a tone of confirmation is heard. The unlocking is done in the same way.
The STC-DO8 can be restarted in the menu
To restart the STC-DO8, F5 must be actuated in the
corresponding menu and the following security
query must be confirmed.
Software Version
Display of the STC-DO8 software version.
Test Outputs
By means of the keys F3 and F4, the output to be
tested is selected.
Afterwards, the chosen output can be switched
on/off by the keys F5 and F6.
Safety Code Input
In order to prevent an unauthorized setting of the
parameters, the STC-DO8 can be locked by a
safety code.
After a restart or if none of the 6 buttons is actuated
during the period of the LCD illumination, the next
user is asked to insert the safety code when trying
to make new settings at the STC-DO8.
Button F5 increases the selected number by 1.
Button F6 selects the next number of the four-digit
Button F3 confirms the input of the safety code.
Button F4 stops the input of the safety code.