Thermo Scientific
Orbitrap Tribrid Series Getting Connected Guide
External Devices
Control of external devices (through a contact closure cable) might or might not be through
one of the Thermo Scientific mass spectrometry applications, such as the Xcalibur data
system. For instructions on how to set the external device as the start instrument for data
acquisition, refer to the Getting Started Guide.
Contact Closure Signal
The Orbitrap Tribrid Series MS can start data acquisition upon receiving a contact closure
(start) signal from an external LC device, which is typically an autosampler. Thermo Scientific
mass spectrometry applications can control external devices (for example, autosamplers,
pumps, and detectors) from several manufacturers including Thermo Fisher Scientific,
Agilent Technologies, and Waters Corporation.
When an external device is not controlled by a Thermo Scientific mass spectrometry
application, such as the Xcalibur data system, you must properly connect it to send its contact
closure (start) signal. To assemble the two-wire contact closure cable, use the contact closure
mating connector (P/N 00004-21512) supplied in the MS Setup Kit and the contact closure
cable provided with the LC device.
The external device providing the start signal must have proper earth
grounding. Ground loops can cause problems and create a safety hazard. The
complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits that are mounted
on the internal input/output (I/O) PCB fail if they receive more than 5 Vdc or 5 mA.