Connecting the API Source and Waste Container
Connecting the Solvent Waste Container
Thermo Scientific
Orbitrap Tribrid Series Getting Connected Guide
Connecting the Solvent Waste Container
The MS internally routes the solvent waste from the bottom of the API source to the back
drain/waste port.
To connect the solvent waste container to the MS
Use the provided Tygon tubing to connect the solvent waste container to a
fume exhaust system. To prevent solvent waste from backing up into the instrument,
make sure that all Tygon tubing is above the level of liquid in the waste container as
• From the MS to the solvent waste container
• From the waste container to the exhaust system
Connect the filling/venting cap to the solvent
waste container Then, connect the Tygon
waste tubing (1 in. ID) to the cap openings.
Connect the tubing to the
MS’s Drain/Waste port and
the external vent system.
(Orbitrap Fusion Lumos MS)
After completing these connections, route the tubing so that they are not a trip