Initialization fails
Possible cause
Recommended action
Chip Check fails
• The chip clamp was not
• The chip was not
properly seated.
• The chip was damaged.
1. Open the chip clamp,
remove the chip, and
look for signs of water
outside the flow cell.
2. If the chip appears
damaged, replace it with
a new one.
3. Close the clamp, then
repeat the Chip Check.
4. If the chip passes, click
Next. If the chip fails,
replace it with a new
chip, then press Chip
5. If Chip Check continues
to fail, there could be a
problem with the chip
socket. Contact
Technical Support.
Reagent Check fails
A chip failure was detected.
1. Replace the used
sequencing chip used
during initialization with
a different used chip.
2. Press Retry.
3. If the initialization
completes without
failure, touch Home,
then continue with your
sequencing run.
4. If the Reagent Check
continues to fail, contact
Technical Support.
Appendix B
Initialization fails
Ion GeneStudio
S5 Food Protection Instrument User Guide