Thermo Fisher Scientific
iCAP 6000 Series Pre-Installation Manual v 4.0
Chapter 3
The spectrometer is supplied with all compatible accessories that
have been purchased to meet the customer's system requirements.
Items may be shipped in separate packages.
All items should be transported to the installation site
on pallets, in their original packaging and the right way up. Under no
circumstances may any package be moved without its pallet unless
under the direct control of an authorised Thermo Fisher service
Proposed routes from the customer receiving area to the installation
site must be checked for suitability. The largest pallet size should be
used to calculate clearances.
The boxed Spectrometer should be moved using a
mechanical lift. Five people should be used if it has to be moved by
hand taking appropriate precautions. Care should be taken in
doorways, corridors or when lowering to avoid trapping fingers.
The instrument will be supplied inside especially designed
packaging. The dimensions are:
Table 3–1.
Packaged Dimensions and Weight
980 mm
900 mm
920 mm
95 Kg
(38.6 in)
(35.4 in)
(36.2 in)
(210 Ib)
Transportation to some destinations may necessitate additional
packaging, for example a packing crate. Dimensions and exact
specifications may vary.
Package Size