Control panel
The following description refers to the items shown in Figure 3/3:
Temperature controller:
The controller display gives a continuous indication of the actual temperature inside the inner
chamber (larger display at the top) and the set temperature. The selected operating
temperature can be adjusted with the arrow keys (up and down). Select a suitable operating
temperature setting for the respective temperature class (T3=max. 105°C, T4=max. 70°C).
Material protection:
If the material undergoing treatment is sensitive to high temperatures and the maximum
temperature must remain below the maximum settable operating temperature in the event of
a fault in the temperature control system, setting this second temperature controller to a
temperature which is just above the selected operating temperature (e.g. approx. 10 °C) can
prevent damage to the items in the unit. This material protection device stops the
temperature rising above its set value if there is a fault in the temperature control circuit.
The "Fault" pilot lamp lights up when this protective function responds.
Ensure that this device works properly by conducting a functional check at regular intervals.
To do this:
Set the oeprating temperature on the temperature controller
Set the material protection device to approx. 10 °C above the temperature set on the
Operate the heating oven at this setting until it reaches steady-state condition
Change the setting of the material protection device to a temperature below that
of the controller
The material protection device must respond - "Fault" pilot lamp
Change the setting of the material protection device back to its original position
Operator control is analog to that of temperature controller
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