Solar Boiler™ Installation Manual (OG-300), page 4 of 14
Preparing the photovoltaic module
Attach the two large aluminum brackets to the
photovoltaic module using the 3/8" bolts, nuts, and
lock washers supplied.
Make sure both aluminum angle brackets are securely
fastened to the photovoltaic module.
The location of the PV module should be as shown
in the diagram. It is recommended that it be located
towards the top of the collectors so that snow will
easily fall off.
Wiring the photovoltaic module
The photovoltaic module comes with an electrical junction box located on the back of the
module. Open the box, and note the positive terminal marked "+" and the negative
terminal marked "-".
(Follow the diagram on the back of the PV module)
16/2 wire is supplied with your Solar Boiler™. Drill a small 1/4" hole in the junction
box and slip the wire through. Tie a knot in the wire so that it can not be pulled out of
the box. Connect the black wire to the "+" terminal, and the white wire to the "-"
Seal the hole in the junction box wire hole with silicon. Close the junction box securely.
CAUTION: The photovoltaic module produces electricity when exposed to sunlight. To
avoid any chance of shock, cover the photovoltaic module with a towel during installa-
tion. The photovoltaic module is rated for 1.2 amps, 17.0 volts, and 20 watts.
Locating the photovoltaic module
Locate the photovoltaic module as shown in the
diagram. Using the 3/8" bolts, washer, and nuts,
attach the photovoltaic module to the "B"
collector bolt track as shown in the diagram.
Tighten the nuts securely. The location should be
as close to the top of the "B" collector as possible.
It can be on either the left hand side or the right
hand side.
white wire
black wire
seal with silicon
Junction box
16/2 wire
3/8" nut and
lock washer
Photovoltaic module
junction box
Photovoltaic module
3/8" bolt, washer,