G) Check all refractory and gaskets for resilience and continuity. Replace damaged parts
prior to re-assembling the unit.
H) Reassemble the boiler.
8) Replacing the combustion chamber. In the event that the combustion chamber is replaced,
follow these instructions.
A) Turn off power to the boiler and burner and shut off the oil supply to the burner.
B) Remove the burner assembly from the base.
C) Loosen the jacket at all sides.
D) Remove the four bolts at the corners of the boiler that secure the heat exchanger to the
E) Position bumper jacks at opposite corners of the lower tube sheet of the heat exchanger
or use a come along on a lifter rig located at the top of the boiler through the flue box
hole. A lifting lug is located just inside the flue box.
F) Raise the boiler about one inch or enough to slide the base out the front. The pipes
should flex enough to raise the boiler heat exchanger.
G) Remove the soft chamber and replace. Replace the spacer block under the chamber if it
is deteriorated.
H) Reinstall the firebox and reassemble the boiler.
I) Check boiler for proper operation.
Alternate chamber replacement procedure.
A) Turn off power to the boiler and burner and shut off the oil supply to the burner.
B) Remove the burner assembly from the base.
C) Remove the burner mounting cover from the base. Using a utility knife cut around the
flanged portion of the top of the chamber that is clamped between the boiler heat
exchanger and the base. Break up and remove the remaining portion of the chamber.
D) Using a utility knife, carefully trim the top flange of the new chamber to fit inside of the
flange area.
E) Lift the new chamber into the flange area creating a seal and support the new base with
the spacer block.
F) Reassemble the boiler.
G) Check for proper boiler operation.